Partref - Remanufacturers


We speak your language! PartRef was developed by those who grew up in the rebuilding industry. Most of our users and sponsors are remanufacturers or suppliers to remanufacturers. This catalog was developed with you in mind. Along with most units you will find a breakdown of components with part numbers for all the major suppliers. A "Find Part" feature will allow you to send an RFQ to all suppliers of parts, units or cores in our system. Save time by sending one request and get answers from suppliers who can help.

Units and components can be viewed by the part number of your favorite supplier. Talk to us about customizing a view just for you. Need a custom report generated in print or Excel?

If you'd like to use our catalog for your customers and have it look like your company catalog, we can help. We provide a range of solutions including complete website design with or without e-commerce capabilities or embedding a catalog in your existing website. It's never been easier or more affordable.

An annual license for access to the standard catalog is only US$ 295.00 per year for one license and $100.00 for each additional license. Members of APRA and ERA will receive a $100.00 discount off the primary license. Site licenses are also available.


  • Try our new "Find A Part" feature and send a request to our entire list of suppliers for that type of item. Choose from our list of Core Suppliers, Unit Suppliers or Component Suppliers. Send one message and get answers from the suppliers who can identify and supply the part in question.

  • "Try our VIN Lookup for Light and Heavy Duty Vehicles, brought to you by our friends at OmniVin"